To become an expert in WordPress there are some skills and abilities that must be required for example experience, practice, and learning sense. WordPress is very unique and also the brand ambassador of many websites working on the internet. WordPress is the kingmaker of websites which gives power to websites to rank on top. If you are focusing on becoming a master of WordPress start from little to big aware yourself with basics of WordPress including what is the theme, What is the plugin. Learn programming languages like HTML, PHP, and CSS they are very helpful while customizing websites. To be updated with new trends attach yourself to WordPress communities and attend classes, seminars, and meetings. Keep practicing and always make experiments one day you will be an expert.
Here are some elements you should work on if you want to be an expert in WordPress.
The first step is just to install WordPress on your laptop or pc. Start visiting all the features of WordPress like themes and plugins. Notice the differences between all the themes and how they are developed. Do not believe in reviews you should check all the plugins, and mark the one which suited to the website you are developing. Always target the most used plugins and their upgradation.
The appearance of Your website depends on the theme you selected. It is not easy to find the best theme for your website. The right selection of themes is crucial. Never select a theme that is against your website for example if your website is a shoe brand’s site and the theme you are using is food related, it will affect your site’s image. You should complete your research by knowing how to select the best theme. Sometimes you cannot find the desired theme and plugin. If you work with dedication you can build your own one.
2. Keep in touch with the WordPress community
Interaction is the best learning strategy. We do not learn in institutions as much as we learn in communities. If you saw the journey of any WordPress expert he must be a part of some communities. If you sit between the people who relate to your field you can learn better than anything. You should meet community members physically. Word-Camp is a seminar represented by the WordPress community to teach and help the audience to become an expert.
3. Try contributing to WordPress
It is not always possible to find out your desired themes and plugins. In this case, you have the opportunity to utilize your skills to contribute to WordPress. Simple we can say with the use of your skills you can create your own themes and plugins and then give it to the WordPress platform so they can serve it to coming developers. If you are scared of doing it you should be confident. If you are feeling low while doing this because you don’t have expertise in coding for building a plugin then motivate yourself because Chris Jean is an example for all of us who contribute to WordPress without having knowledge about coding.
Maybe contribution look difficult to you but you can try again and again until become an expert.
4. Master in errors bugging
It is time-consuming and mind-using work. If it is a beneficial process but also boring. Most beginners end up in this profession when they face errors because it developed eagerness in them. For becoming an expert in WordPress you need calmness to handle situations in different ways. We can’t deny the benefits we get after debugging. If you spend more time monitoring and reducing errors you will become more expert in things. It is the key step for learning WordPress.
5. Be gentle with time
Never be so quick while learning WordPress. You are very wrong if you think you can learn the whole WordPress in some hours or three to four days. It is impossible. It must take a few years.
Being an expert is not a joke, that means you need a deep knowledge of things. You need to set some objectives. After that fight for it to earn your place.
Startup with small things and document each and every aspect. Making a portfolio is the best way to representation of your work. When you complete a project put it in your portfolio. It proved helpful when a company wants to hire you, there is no need of telling your skills you can show your portfolio.
7. Assess yourself
An expert always makes checks and balances of his own self. Which means analyze that what you already know and what you need to learn further. Never waste time on you know already. Focus on identifying gaps if you found any gap fill it with knowledge. For becoming a WordPress expert you need to be independent in your work. Start learning by yourself never depend on others.
8. Database learning
Learn that how CMS which is the function of WordPress connected with a database. You should know all the posts are stored in database if you face any problem you can get help with trouble shooting. Information of themes and plugins is also stored on database.
9. Technical coding learning
We recommend you to understand deeply how a them and plugin is formed, it does not mean be an expert in coding and have knowledge of everything just have information of few things.
WordPress never force you to learn full coding it just demand for basics loke CSS and PHP because it is beneficial in troubleshooting and customization.
10. Learning and continues improvement
Never proud yourself if you become an expert of WordPress. Because WordPress is a broader platform that explore new features and functions every year. If you think now its ended with the features they introduced new things. A good developer and experts never showoff his abilities he always looking to for the weaknesses in him o strengthen them. Experts always work for improvements. They learn from mistakes never put them on head and start feeling upset. They use hurdles to gain their skills.