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Difference between traditional marketing and digital marketing

Traditional Marketing

It is one of the oldest methods of marketing very high in cost required more human power and much time taking. The marketing which is not online is called traditional marketing. Advertising through outdoor posters, print, and newspapers is an example of traditional marketing. Traditional marketing is best for local clients. It is a research-based marketing method physical availability is the most important factor of it. A person with a background in traditional marketing steps into the digital market it is very easy for him to run an online business because of the experience he had in traditional marketing.

Digital Marketing

It is a modern marketing method executed with the help of devices like computers and mobiles with internet accessibility. It is often called online marketing, social media advertising, email marketing, and PPC is the example of it. With the introduction of technologies digital marketing become very popular. Most digital marketers use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram for marketing. It is the approach that helps us in targeting a global audience. Sometimes it is less costly than traditional marketing. As technology evolves marketing methods also become advanced in this digital world online marketing is very crucial for the growth of the business.


  • Traditional Marketing
  • Traditional marketing is low in engagement.
  • Traditional marketing low conversion platform.
  • It has static nature.
  • Return investment is easy to measure.
  • Very high in cost with low benefits.
  • Standardized targeting.
  • Reach local audience.
  • Changes are not possible when you are done with advertising.
  • Produce results very slowly.
  • Mostly the marketer communicates.
  • Never allow the audience to skip the ads.

Traditional marketing required no Internet. Postcards, running ads on TV, ads in magazines, and calls from cell phones are traditional marketing methods. Traditional marketing is used for old people who do not know how to get into the modern world and have no knowledge about technology. If you are going to start a business on a local level traditional marketing is the best approach. If you apply billboards on the side of roads and different populated places it enables you to get audience attention on local level.

  • Digital marketing
  • Digital marketing is relatively high in engagement.
  • Online marketing is a very high conversion platform.
  • It has a dynamic nature.
  • Return investment can be measured easily.
  • The very low-cost method with more benefits.
  • Customized targeting.
  • Reach global clients.
  • Ads can be edited and changed.
  • Produce results very fast.
  • Approach communication from both sides.
  • Allow the audience to skip ads.

Digital marketing work with trends. Internet smartphones must be needed in this marketing approach. Campaigns through emails, marketing through content, posting on social media accounts, SEO, and online ads are the methods used in digital marketing. It is much more popular than traditional marketing because 95% of the world has access to the Internet. Digital marketing help in interacting with clients globally.

  • Digital marketing formats

Social media

It is a platform that empowers students or young to start their businesses online with the help of social media if they have an account on social apps like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They can use video posts and images to promote the products of their business. Social media allow us to communicate with consumers directly. Social media is a powerful tool serving every aspect of our life. That’s why it is the center of attention for all brands. They don’t earn physically as much as they earn from digital marketing. All thanks to social media.

Marketing with a mobile device

In the past there was a perception that mobiles are only used for entertainment purposes. But with time digital marketing is aware that we can use mobile devices for earning money. While using your mobile you can advertise your business to target people.

Marketing through emails

Enable a business or company to showcase its product to others with the help of electronic mail. These emails charge nothing. You can inform a group with just a click.

SEO (search engine optimization)

It helps in supporting your business in ranking at the top of any search engine. Simply it boosts the website related to your business to increase traffic. Used by many organizations.


In this method, the owner of the company paid others to advertise his business. Very high in cost but traffic is guaranteed. If you keep paying your ad will remain on search engine top. When you stop paying it will be removed.

  • Traditional marketing formats

Ads on Newspapers

It is one of the best sources for marketing business. Ads are used in the newspapers they target the audience who read newspapers on the daily bases. But in current modern times, it loses its popularity with the introduction of technology. There are few people remaining who read newspapers.

Ads and TV

Tv commercials are used in this traditional marketing method. There is no choice for skipping it to engage the audience until the commercial ends. There are millions of commercials running on television channels. It is very expensive to work the same as Pay-Per-click when you stop paying channels will remove your ads.

Boards and panaflex

Commercial business through signing boards that show your business product’s quality. Choose populated to fix business boards. Use pictures on boards that attract the audience’s attention.

Calling and messages

In this method, business use calls and text messages technique to serve others with advertising.

  • Merits of traditional marketing
  • Best in the ancient demographic.
  • Improved physical skills.
  • Can easily target audience from age 45-60.
  • Good for beginners.
  • Demerits of traditional marketing
  • Much time taking.
  • Required more human power.
  • May the audience reject your ads?
  • Slow results production
  • Merits of digital marketing
  • Focus on youth.
  • Target global clients.
  • Less costly than traditional marketing.
  • Less time is taken.
  • Enable to reach audience information quickly.
  • Demerits of digital marketing
  • Some use ads blocker.
  • Availability of ads skipped option.
  • Required a smartphone and internet connection.

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